poop bag | Biodegradable

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poop bag | Biodegradable

The BIOZOYG brand compostable waste bags are free of plasticizers, polyethylene or other toxins. They consist of 30% renewable raw materials. The remaining components are metabolized into water and biomass and decomposed in an environmentally friendly manner.

Since one or the other mishap can happen in places where it is better not to happen, such a poop bag can save many a situation. It's a shame that so many still use plastic. With these manure bags, BIOZOYG offers a great alternative that is in no way inferior to a regular manure bag.

A roll contains 15 poop bags.

Quantity discount :

1x roll (15 bags) = €1.80 / bag

3x roll (15 bags each) = €1.70 / bag

6x rolls (15 bags each) = €1.60 / bag

12x rolls (15 bags each) = €1.20 / bag

18x rolls (15 bags each) = €0.90 / bag

This is what makes the BIOZOYG excrement bags special:

  • Fully biodegradable
  • Extra thick and extra strong (18 microns)
  • Tear and liquid resistant
  • OK compost home certified