poop bag holder | SnakeNote| silver | >50 colors

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Paracord poop bag

Do I have a poop bag with me? Where is the poop bag? And many other poop bag questions that you have to ask yourself in everyday life were the reason for including the poop bag holder in our shop. Pinch the poop bag, attach the mount to the leash or belt with the scissor carabiner and be dedicated for every "situation".

Simply hook the poo bag holder to your leash or your dog's collar. Choose your favorite color from our diverse range & get a poop bag that matches the collar and leash.

How it works:

1. Choose color 1

2. Choose color 2

3. Choose variant

Already knew?

Our "SnakeNote" poop bag is also available as a DIY set!

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We also have whole sets!

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